14 October 2011


This week has been full of a lot of exciting things- more growth and understanding, I think.
People have asked me about the food at the MTC. On the whole, I don't really enjoy it. I eat salads almost every day, but most of the food is fried and not prepared very healthily. As a result, I've actually lost weight since being here, because I don't eat very much. I really miss cooking my own food.
 My favorite Tagalog pun this week:
pananampalataya= faith
My companion and I wrote "Keep the bananampalataya!" on a banana we found in our classroom.
 I've a had a lot of vivid dreams this week. I find it hard to be 'here.' I find my thoughts wondering in the past or in the potential future. I'm trying to be in the now, but it's difficult at times, when I miss my family or friends or Eric.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a friendly prison, but the other day I decided that I should just think of the MTC as a super exclusive school for languages. That way, it seems better! ha!
At the temple this morning, I had the opportunity to meditate for a while and it was one the first times being a missionary, that I felt a more pure sense of self. I was able to just 'be.' I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.
This week I realized that the times when I am singing, or listening to music are the times when the reason why I am here is the most clear to me.
Also, I'm not a super emotional person, but I find that often in certain situations, tears come to my eyes without understanding why. Maybe my body is more aware of something divine and I'm missing it. It's not an upset feeling or even a joyful one, but rather an over abudant feeling that I can't identify.
 D&C 121:26
1 Corinthians 3:2
 Also, I'm still studying the concept of 'grace.' I think it's intrinsically linked to humility. Or maybe the knowledge of 'grace' brings about humility.
I'm also still trying to come to a better understanding of the atonement. Any ideas would be appreciated!
 I love you all and thank you so much for your letters!
 PS. Melissa- I got your box, but it was empty. :( I have something for you though.