I included a picture, taken while I was helping to defeather a chicken that we ate later on in the evening. This week I learned how to kill/defeather/cut a chicken for cooking.
Things I was impressed by: Sister Jack cooked all of the parts of the body, including feet, head, neck, and internal organs, excluding the intenstines and the feathers. It seems so much more worth it to use literally the entire body, and not only the legs or breast for eating. wowowow
Earlier this week, we taught a woman named Vilma. Vilma has 5 children. Her oldest is 14 years old and doesn't know how to read and is not able to go to school, because she doesn't have a birth certificate (this means that she was probably born at home, beneath the knowledge of the government.) Their home is incredibly small, with no flooring, just dirt. They brought in chairs for us from their neighbor's house. She was mildly interested in listening to us, but seemed incredibly apprehensive about us. I noticed slowly, throughout the lesson, she became more interested in what we were saying. I told her that even though I am from America, and she is from the Philippines, that we are both children of God, both loved by that being. I really felt that. I still feel the truthfulness of that.
2nd Nephi 31:3
PS I met a 67 year old women that has 18 children, and 60+ grandchildren. Can you believe that?