Hello my fairly full friends and frank-ish family,
I experienced the some of the lowest lows this week, combined with some very joyful, triumphant moments. I have never experience this amount of stress for such a prolonged amount of time. I want to apply the atonement more in my life. I am a little stuck at the 'how,' but I believe it will become more real to me.
Alma 46: 40-- Random verse? Maybe not. Maybe the source of our relief is closer to us than we imagine.
Pictures: There was a bug, the size of a small dinosaur that fell on it's back and was stuck. I decided to empathize with him for a moment.
There is also a picture in the palay -ricefield. I think you can see them harvesting in the background...The monkey also had an uncomfortable human-like stare to it, and I wanted to show you all.
Sister DV