We did companion exchanges on Tuesday and luckily enough I got to host Sister Cuizon who was my trainer's trainer. (my grandma) I learned so much from her and observed how she interacted with one of our difficult less-active members that we are focusing on.
We have some new investigators this week. Daniel and Evelyn Diwa. They have 3 children, ages 1,2 and 3. We met with them last week in their small home. We sat on the floor by their 'bed' which was just cardboard with blankets on top. They had a TV though. Even the poorest people have TVs. We invited them to come to church, but they didn't end up coming. He told us that he didn't have shoes, and so didn't feel like he should come. We reassured him that coming in flip-flops is fine. :) He thought that the Mormons looked like 'attorneys' with their white shirts and ties and nice shoes.
The worldwide leadership training broadcast on Saturday was actually very good. I don't have my notes right now, but Uchtdorf's talk was very beautiful. He focused on the purpose of the work we do in the church. The WHY behind everything. The purpose gives perspective and motivation for the work. The WHY is of course related to 'love.' Love for God. Love for our brothers and sisters.
It's interesting how I'm starting to get used to things that before I would've been appalled by. Last week, we taught a lesson and someone's chicken was wandering in and out of their home. I realized later that I almost didn't take note of it. So normal now.
We had a lesson with some kids whose parents are less active members. I was in awe at how our lesson went. Our last lesson with them was cut short because they are seemed very distracted. We were a little worried about how this lesson would go, (if they would be interested or how well they would listen.) This most recent lesson with them was a beautiful experience for me. I saw kids who were previously so distracted, staring at us in silence as we spoke. Some of them even told one of the other kids to be quiet when he would start to talk. It was as almost as if they were hushed. It was like they were silenced. They felt something and I could literally see them as they felt something. They asked us when we were coming back to teach them. :)
So often Sister T and I will go into a lesson (depending on the person) and not be sure about what exactly we will share with them. (Of course we always plan for everyone, but the plan often gets thrown out as we start talking with them, asking them questions, get to know a little about them, etc.) From there, we will feel inspired to share a verse, or for me last night, I felt like I should show a painting of Christ from an art book that we have. That spurred conversation which lead to Sister T sharing a few verses from 3rd Nephi 17. (which is actually my favorite chapter in the BOM.) From there, we focused on 'love.' love from God, love of God. It was a beautiful lesson. It makes our lessons kind of exciting as they kind of evolve on their own.
We've made it a goal to always let people know that we love them, every lesson. "Mahal namin kayo."
Corpse- Got your Dear Elder. I am so relieved that there is Mogu Mogu in America...
Kyoo-Got your Dear Elder as well. I'm planning on sending you a letter sometime soon!
Gary Cho- Got your 2 letters and I was told that your package is here, so I'll get it this week. Loved your letters!
Melissa Shwanson- Letter coming soon to yoouuuu.